Tattoo Consent Form
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I acknowledge by signing this agreement that i have been given the full opportunity to ask any and all questions which i might have about the obtaining of a tattoo and that all of my questions have been answered to my full satisfaction. I specifically acknowledge I have been advised of the facts and matters set forth below and "I Agree" to all the terms that follow:
If I have Diabetes, Epilepsy, Hepatitis, Hemophilia, HIV/AIDS or any other communicable disease, Heart condition, or take medicine which thins the blood, I HAVE/WILL advise my tattoo artist before proceeding with this process.
I am NOT Pregnant or nursing, nor under the influence of Alcohol or Drugs.
I do NOT have Medical/Skin conditions such as but are not limited to: Acne, scarring eczema (Keliod), Psoriasis, Freckles, Moles or Sunburnt skin where the tattoo is to be placed. If I have any infection, rash, or outbreak ANYWHERE on my body, I HAVE/WILL advise my tattoo artist.
I acknowledge it is NOT reasonably possible for the representatives and employees of Studio B Tattoos to determine whether I might have an allergic reaction to the pigments or process used in my tattoo. I FULLY ACCEPT the risk that such a risk is possible.
I acknowledge that infection is always possible as a result of obtaining a tattoo. Particularly, in the event that I DO NOT take proper care of my tattoo. I agree that any TOUCH UP WORK NEEDED, due to MY OWN NEGLIGENCE will be done at my own expense. I HAVE received aftercare instructions and I agree to follow them to ensure the proper healing of my new tattoo.
I understand that if I have any skin treatments, laser hair removal, plastic surgery or other skin altering procedures, it may result in an adverse change to my tattoo.
I acknowledge that a tattoo is a PERMANENT CHANGE to my appearance and that no representations HAVE/WILL be made to later change or remove my tattoo. TO MY KNOWLEDGE, I do NOT have a physical, mental or medical impairment or disability which might affect my wellbeing as a direct or indirect result of my decision to have a tattoo.
I acknowledge I am 18+ years old and that I have truthfully informed my artist that the obtaining of this tattoo is by MY CHOICE ALONE!!! I consent to application of the tattoo and to any actions or conduct of the representatives and employees of Studio B Tattoos that are reasonably necessary to perform the tattoo properly.
I acknowledge by signing this form and going through the tattoo process, I waive the right to take any legal action against Studio B Tattoos as a company and/or the Artists employed by Studio B Tattoos.
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